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William Latham

2007 August
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Lawrence Kelley

Latham met Lawrence Kelley, through an introduction by Simon Colton from the Imperial Computing Department, at a mini Computer Art Exhibition including William’s IBM Artwork from 87-93 curated by Colton and hosted at Imperial College in the late summer of 2007. Kelley was already familiar with Latham’s work and had posters of his organic images hanging on his wall as a BSc Student. Kelley highlighted that many of the artworks from the IBM period already showed clear Secondary Structures, particularly the horn of horns and ribcage forms. An innovative Art / Science collaboration with Latham, Todd and Leymarie emerged from that early Art Preview conversation. The early work from the collaboration resulted in new work being shown at an exhibition at the Medical Research Council in Mill Hill.


For more information on the work of Lawrence Kelley visit:- http://www.sbg.bio.ic.ac.uk/people/kelley/kelley.html